Treggy 7...the washout of the year?

Treggy 7 will probably always be remembered for 2 things: the weather (wet, very wet) and the pre-race organisation (or lack of it). Runners having to queue up, the back of the queue headed out the door of the registration hall into the rain, for over 20 minutes didn't get things off to a great start. This was followed by a monsoonal deluge shortly before the race which would ultimately leave massive floods on the race route. Despite these pre-race dramas, the organisers still seemed dead set on getting the race started on time. An aborted start followed, as the race was started with people still making their way from registration towards the start line. Everyone strolled back to the start line to wait a further few minutes in the cold rain.
Once underway though, the start of the Treggy 7 is fast. Initially downhill, followed by a long flat section through the countryside around Launceston in the eastern extremity of Cornwall, the first 2 miles are easy, the only difficulty being the floods and rushing rivers which runners had to make their way through as the rain continued to fall. However, after arguably pushing too hard, all runners hit the hill. Initially very steep, the hill continues to rise for some distance, pretty gruelling. Eventually runners emerge back onto a main road and start to make their way back to Launceston with a fairly fast latter 2 miles before finishing in the castle ruins.
The Treggy 7 is a nice race but the unseasonal weather (well it's Cornwall, it can pour with rain at any time of year!) and pre-race dramas dampened the spirits somewhat this year!